AP Marriage Certificate Registration Online, Hindi Marriage Certificate Download

AP Marriage Certificate Registration: Marriage is an integral part of Human life the social system. Now, to register the marriage officially has also become mandatory for all. Marriage registration process is simply a process of getting verification from the competent government authorities that the two people have tied the knot. A marriage certificate is issued

Kerala Swasraya Scheme: Application Form, New Beneficiary List

Kerala Swasraya Scheme: Kerala Government offer a number of schemes and financial assistance to the citizens of the state under different categories. Kerala Swasraya Scheme is one of the schemes offered by the State government for the welfare of physically disabled people of the state. Under this innovative scheme, government provide financial assistance to the

WB Caste Certificate Application Online, Status, SC/ST/OBC Certificate

WB Caste Certificate| Application online| Application Status| SC/ST/OBC Certificate| WB Caste Certificate is basically for the people belonging to the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes. The Department of West Bengal which is assigned to work in betterment of Backward classes is The Backward Classes Welfare Department. The Department aim towards improving capability

AP EWS Certificate Application Form: Online Registration, Eligibility

AP EWS Certificate Application Form: EWS certificate is issued to a new reservation category i.e.  Economically Backward Section (EWS) included by the Government of India in 2019. Those who fall under this category are issued an EWS certificate or income & asset certificate issued by the competent authorities. Every state has designated authorities for issuance

pmayuclap.gov.in: CLSS Awas CLAP Portal, Subsidy Calculator, Status

CLSS Awas CLAP Portal | Subsidy Calculator | Status | CLASS Awas is basically a Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban)(PMAY-U) also known as pmayuclap. CLSS Awas CLAP portal is the online platform through information and services are delivered to the beneficiaries. This Scheme is under Pradhan Mantri Yojana. It primarily

TN Police Citizen Service Portal CSR, Complaint, FIR Status, App

TN Police Citizen Service Portal: Tamilnadu Police has an online platform for delivery of citizens services related to police department. TN Police Citizen Service portal is a single website for all the citizens services which are offered by the State Police department. For automation of the department and its services, State government launched an online

Swami Vivekananda Assam Youth Empowerment Scheme: Online Registration

Swami Vivekananda Assam Youth Empowerment Scheme: Assam Government has launched various social welfare scheme for various sections of the society. In the same line, the state Govt. launched Swami Vivekananda Assam Youth Empowerment Scheme, commonly known as SVAYEM Scheme. This scheme was launched to provide financial assistance to the youth of the state so that

(NPTEL) Swayam Registration: Explore All Online Free Learning Courses

(NPTEL) Swayam Registration: SWAYAM is an acronym for Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds. It is basically a MOOC (Massive open online courses) of India. SWAYAM is an initiative of Indian Government to accomplish the three major principles of the Education policy i.e., Access, Equity & Quality. The main aim behind the launch

(Registration) Kerala Saranya Self Employment Scheme: Application Form

Kerala Saranya Self Employment Scheme: As the job opportunities especially government sectors are decreasing day by day, there is a need of promoting Self Employment options. To support this, government is also running various programs and scheme for the promotion of self-employment so that citizens especially youth can be become self-reliant. Kerala Saranya Self Employment

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